... Answered prayers!
Today, the sister missionaries asked me to go with them to an appointment, which I was glad to do. I got dressed, and with a few minutes to spare, I did some other things.
Then, when it was time to go...I couldn't find my keys! Panic! I knew they were in the house, because I went out earlier today and somehow made it home. I checked my purse, my coat pocket, my pants pocket, my dresser, my night-stand, my desk, the kitchen counter, the computer desk, even the ignition of the car. No luck. Time was getting short, and I needed to leave!
I dropped to my knees and explained my situation to the Lord. I wanted to help His missionaries. I told Him where I had searched. Please help! I stood up, with no clear answer. As I walked over to my purse, the thought came to me to check the side pocket of my purse where I usually keep my cell phone and my PDA. I never put my keys there. There they were! Thank you, Heavenly Father!
Lost keys? Cliché, I know. But true. It may have been a little thing, but I like to think that our Heavenly Father wanted me to be there for the sisters and the lady they were teaching.
I think it's lovely when people are grateful for the little miracles. We cannot just have faith when mountains move. I'm glad you found your keys and I'm glad you prayed for help:)
not a cliche at all! my morgan is so faithful when it comes to lost things. she immediately prays and almost 100% of the time her prayers are answered.
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