Saturday, Nelson's parents came down from Salem and we took them to the Rhododendron Garden. Is there any place in Eugene that is lovelier? When I first came to Eugene to interview for the UO Library, they took me to the garden--added incentive, I think. It was lovely then, and every time we go back, I am reminded how glorious it is.
How blessed we are to live in such a beautiful place! I'm amazed at the variety of the Lord's creations. He must love life and living things and beauty. He must love detail and intricacy. He could have sent us to a black and white, rocky existence. Instead, we have all this glorious variety and beauty, all this life and profusion of regeneration. It is a miracle.
David is funny and smart. Just like him, I like to imitate old farmers as well. Nothing is like laying in the sun with a cap over my face and with my eyes closed.
OOOps, I can't talk for Lea Anne, but I just did. Not really, I just did not check whose account was the logged on. So the last comment was from me- Rune :)
I think it looks like you had a really great time!! Even with the heat it looks beautiful! What a nice day!
I've never been there, and I have lived here most of my life. We should definitely check that out. Is it the one at Hendrickson's park?
Yes, Hendricks Park. Basically drive down Franklin past the UO and watch for the signs.
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