If you love old towns, antiques, history, pioneers, or anything like that, you must go see Brownsville. We've often driven past the sign on the freeway, inviting us to see Brownsville, but have never gone. This past Saturday, I had the opportunity to go with Lennae and family to help celebrate Lennae's birthday. What a great time we had!

Wade and Lennae in front on the Moyer House, a highlight of the historic tour. Believe it or not, that is NOT a tree behind them. It is a wisteria plant! It was huge!

The Moyer House.
For the amazingly low suggested donation of $2 (!) apiece, we were given a tour of this lovely Victorian home, complete with period furniture and wall and ceiling treatments. Our tour guide was very knowledgeable and fun to listen to. (I was particularly interested in the two victrolas and the cylinder player--each still playable!) Then we toured the museum, where you can see a bank, a barber shop, a beauty parlor, a covered wagon complete with contents, and more and more. It was packed with antique things, all arranged and organized and labeled. A woman from the Smithsonian visited there recently and said that the Brownsville Museum was every bit as good as the Smithsonian, just smaller.
After our tour and museum browsing, we had lunch in a delightful little restaurant that was a converted home. We were the only customers and got excellent service.
If you're interested, you'll want to check out
historicbrownsville.com. They have lots of attractions and activities throughout the year. I want to go back!