I got this idea from
Cari's blog. The idea is to pick the sixth picture from the sixth sub-folder in your picture folder. So, here's mine--and there is a story behind it.
Some time ago (before this quilt), I wanted to make a quilt for Aaron. For the back, I found some really cute fabric with cows. It was darling. But when I brought it home, the men in the house had a...well, a
cow. [sigh] So I put it away for future use.
Isn't this cute?Fast forward a couple of years: When I was RS pres, we were assigned to make a quilt for Deseret Industries. I had assigned a quilt specialist, but she moved before she could finish it. Also, she had made a top that was basically a light blue rectangle inside of a dark blue rectangle. Now, I cannot tie a quilt without squares or
something to use as a guide. So, I took it apart and remade it. I had some red fabric on hand, and I had this adorable cow fabric. The colors were just right. I still like how it turned out.
Post script: Heather found some extra squares from the quilt project and made me this adorable pillow. So I can still enjoy those darling cows.