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We spent a couple of days with my Dad and step-mom, then on to Rexburg, where we toured BYU-Idaho for Heather's sake, since that is where she would like to go to college when she graduates high school.
Then my Dad and step-mom met us there and we spent the next two days in Yellowstone Park. The last time Nelson and I were there, the park was on fire. We enjoyed this trip much more. Here are some pics:
We saw bison--up close and a leeettle bit too personal. Long story short, Dad's car was threatened by a large male bison, showing off for his cow. Fortunately, Dad listened to that still, small voice that told him not to honk his horn to try to scare the bull. All ended well. Here are bison we drove past:
Dad explains to Russell just how BIG that bison's head was, as it eyed Dad's car and snorted at him.
On our last morning, we took the traditional walk around the farm. It's about a three-mile walk, out along the canal bank around my Dad's farm. Here's a slide show:
So, now we're back, getting into the ol' routine of things again. We had such a good time reconnecting with family. You realize what's important when you spend time with loved ones. I often wish we didn't live so far from everyone. Thank goodness for cars and cameras...